YMCA of Southwestern Ontario CEO Andrew Lockie

FRIDAY, MAY 8, 2020

Stronger Together: A Message from our CEO Andrew Lockie

There’s no doubt a lot has changed since the middle of March.

Regular routines have been disrupted. Kitchens have become classrooms. Backyards have become gyms. Essential and frontline workers are working more and harder than ever.

But a few very important things have not changed. And that includes the core purpose of our YMCA.

We’re still committed to building strong, healthy and connected communities. We’re still putting caring, responsibility, honesty and respect into every decision we make. We’re still here FOR YOU.

Our dedicated and caring YMCA staff have been calling all our members to check-in. You may have received a call already, but just in case you haven't...

We’re reaching out to say hello and that we miss you!

If you miss us too, please join us at our Virtual YMCA, a one-stop online destination to help you keep connected to your Y community through workouts, fun crafts and games for kids, tips on mindfulness, and so much more.

Stronger Together

When we closed our branches in mid-March, we were proud to do our part to help keep our staff and participants safe and flatten the curve in our communities. But with membership fees paused in all branches, it has posed a significant financial challenge to our charity.

When physical distancing measures are over, our communities are going to need the YMCA like never before. So, we are working hard to keep our organization strong. We are bringing some staff back to work with the help of government subsidies, and we are getting prepared to welcome you back when it’s safe to do so.

If you want to help, there’s a good way to do it - be like Betsy. If you can, consider restarting your membership payments today.

View Betsy's Y Story and a message from CEO Andrew Lockie.

Your generosity will help ensure that every community member who needs the Y can connect with us through quality online programs, emergency relief in communities, and support for our dedicated staff.

Restart your membership payments

Give a one-time donation

More than anything, we want to stay connected with you and will be reaching out with a friendly phone call in the days and weeks ahead.

Thank you for your ongoing support. Our entire YMCA community, including our dedicated staff, thank you immensely!

Andrew Lockie, CEO
YMCA of Southwestern Ontario