Newcomer Youth
YMAP (London, Windsor and Sarnia)
What is YMAP? YMAP is a YMCA Integration & Leadership Program - Mapping the Way for Newcomer Youth. YMAP's main goal is to provide support and enrichment opportunities for newcomer youth to ease the adjustment to Canadian life. YMAP focuses on self-governance and opportunities for newcomer youth to establish social and professional networks.
What We Do & Why YMAP program is funded by Immigration, Refugee and Citizenship Canada as a settlement program for newcomer youth. Through sessions based on themes such as life-skills training, career exploration, community involvement, and leadership development, we support newcomer youth to achieve their goals and become active community participants. Throughout the year, YMAP hosts a number of special events that provide participants with the opportunity to practice their developing leadership skills and to engage in their community.
Things to do in YMAP:
- Acquire volunteer hours
- Participate in fun field trips - Receive homework help
- Participate in mentorship sessions to learn about post-secondary education and Canadian culture
- Learn about community
- Receive information about Canada, rights and freedoms, Canadian law and justice, employment and income, education, money and finance, transportation, media, and citizenship.
- Build community connections
- Visit cultural and local services
- Participate in different sports - Receive on-one-on supports through our Newcomer Youth Settlement Advisors who help guide, inform, and provide resources to settle into your new life in Canada.
- Create meaningful and long-lasting friendships
- Access to YMCA facilities - Create your settlement plan and goals action plan
- Develop and enhance leadership skills
- Connect to the community - Build your resume and employability skills
- Increase confidence and assertiveness
- Gain Canadian experience and a sense of belonging
- Practice and improve English language
- Participants must be a Permanent Resident or Convention Refugee.
- 12 to 24 years old We are always accepting new participants.
Find out what YMAP can do for you!
YMCA Centre Branch 382 Waterloo Street, London ON
Phone: 519-667-3300 ext.2017 or Cell: 226-448-0799
Monday to Friday 2:30pm to 6:00pm
StarTech.com Community Centre, YMCA, & Library 501Southdale Road West, London ON
Phone: 519-667-3300 ext.2017 cell: 226-448-0799
Friday: 3:00pm to 6:00pm
YMCA Learning & Career Centre 660 Oakdale Ave, Sarnia ON N7V 2A9
Phone: 519-336-5950 ext. 5532 Cell: 226-964-1649
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 3:00pm to 5:00pm
YMCA Windsor Learning Centre 500 Victoria Ave, Windsor ON
Phone: 519-258-9622 ext. 2649 Cell: 226-280-6349
Monday to Thursday 3:00pm to 6:00pm
For more information, connect with a program Settlement Advisor in your area:
London: Marcela Jerez
Sarnia: Tatyana Cedeno
Windsor: Maysam Shbeeb
Settlement Workers in Schools- Sarnia
Settlement Workers in schools assists the integration of newcomer families and students into the education system and community. This program is a collaboration between the Lambton Kent District School Board and St. Clair Catholic District School Board.
The SWIS Program:
- Offers support in the Sarnia and Lambton Region
- Offers settlement support and referrals to school, community resources and programs
- Encourages relationship building with school staff, Newcomer students and families
- Helps Newcomer Families and students understand how the Canadian school system works
- Supports schools’ staff with cross cultural understanding and help students achieve their full potential
How to Apply:
- Complete a consent form available at your child’s school
- Return your consent to the school
- Your School Settlement worker will contact you
Lambton Kent District school Board
Elementary Schools
Farg Elmuhr (Settlement Worker in Schools)
Cell: 226-559-3142 Email
Secondary Schools
Asma Ahmad (Settlement Worker in Schools)
Cell: 519-381-4550 Email
St. Clair Catholic District School Board
Elementary and Secondary Schools
Mackenzie Nolan (Settlement Worker in Schools)
Cell: 519-466-5338 Email