TUESDAY, JULY 26, 2022
2022 Fill The Bus CAMPaign raises over $55,000 to send kids to camp!
This summer, the YMCA of Southwestern Ontario's Fill The Bus CAMPaign sped past expectations by raising an incredible $56,975 to support children in our communities. This annual campaign is led by staff at YMCA Health, Fitness & Aquatics branches who go above and beyond with boundless enthusiasm and dedication to provide the magic of the camp experience to children in need.
The generosity of our Y community (members, businesses, service clubs, volunteers, and staff) brought cheers, happy tears, and many laughs throughout the campaign. YMCAs across our association organized toonie drives, freezie sales, BBQs, special fitness classes and more to reach their goals. There was a popular "Pie in the Face" fundraiser in Petrolia, aquafit classes in St. Thomas, and even a "Push the Bus" event in Sarnia! Every $150 raised represents a week of day camp for a child, meaning an amazing 380 weeks of camp were supported.
Did you miss the bus? Still want to support? Donate in a Y branch or online.