YMCA Resource Houses

Sarnia, ON N7S 1A1

Sarnia, ON N7T 1E9

Sarnia, ON N7S 2S8
Before School Program
Morning Club is a FREE Before School Program. Along with setting goals for the day that provides participants with a FREE breakfast and nutritious snacks to take with them to school.
Monday - Friday 7:30am - 8:30am
After School Program
After School Recreation Program is a free program that incorporates hands-on learning, hands-on food and nutrition activities including recipe reading, food preparation of daily healthy snacks, computer access and fun activities to promote health and wellness among children and youth ages 4 to 13.
Monday-Friday 3:00pm - 6:00pm
Recreational Subsidy is a program offered by the County of Lambton that helps parents /foster parents / legal guardians with the cost of licensed child care of a child 0-12 years of age. Canadian citizens, landed immigrants, refugees with a valid work permit or school authorization are eligible to apply for child care subsidy. To find out what you may qualify for, see Lambton County's Child Care Subsidy Calculator by clicking here.
For more information, or to apply for a subsidy, please contact Lambton County at 519-344-2062 ext.2201 or 1-800-387-2882.
In addition, based on the need and interest of the community, YMCA Resource Houses offer workshops inside and outside of regular after-school programming, including:
- Basic computer skills, resumes, cover letters
- Goal setting and stress management
- Physical/mental health
- Healthy lifestyle
- Community Enrichment Activities
- Neighbourhood BBQ's
- Community Holiday Dinners
- Community Clean-ups
- Community Gardening
For more information, please call 519 381-2430 or visit any of the 3 houses – we’d love to see you.
Generously supported by: