Latest News & Updates

Two Y members chat in a branch common area.

Health and Fitness Member Update

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10, 2020 Health and Fitness Member Update It's been too long since we last saw you. We've heard from many members who are missing their daily routine and YMCA friends and connections. We miss it too!
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A group of kids paddle on the lake in canoes and kayaks.

Overnight Camp Update

TUESDAY, MAY 19, 2020 An Overnight Camp Update As just announced by the provincial government today, all overnight camps in the province will be unable to open this summer season. We will be offering all camper families full refunds of their fees and will be in touch with more details soon regarding the refund process and next steps.
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YMCA of Southwestern Ontario CEO Andrew Lockie

Stronger Together: A Message from CEO Andrew Lockie

FRIDAY, MAY 8, 2020 Stronger Together: A Message from our CEO Andrew Lockie There’s no doubt a lot has changed since the middle of March. Regular routines have been disrupted. Kitchens have become classrooms. Backyards have become gyms. Essential and frontline workers are working more and harder than ever.
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