Y Connect

Y Connect is a small groups program with additional emphasis on mental health, suicide prevention, and addiction prevention.

The skill-based strategies promote healthy relationships and target a wide range of adolescent risk behaviours. Assisting youth in making responsible choices can play a crucial role in promoting positive mental health and reducing harmful behaviours.

Core Skills

Active Listening

Assertive Communication

Delay, Refusal, Negotiation

Help Seeking

Providing Support


Ending a Relationship

Coping Skills


Beyond skills, Y Connect develops critical thinking, self-awareness, problem-solving and promotes healthy attitudes.

This program is free to both members and non-members, and youth 13-18 are eligible to register for the 16-week session. Participants who complete 2 weeks of the program will receive a 2 week free membership.



  • Centre Branch YMCA with YMAP youth on Mondays 3:30-5:30pm


  • Family YMCA of St. Thomas Elgin on Mondays time TBD
  • YMCA Learning and Career Centre with YMAP and SWIS youth on Wednesdays 4-5:30pm

Register Here


For more information or any questions contact Maggie by email.