Our employment and pre-employment programs are catered specifically to provide you with the information and skills that will allow to reach your employment goals. Whether you are transitioning back into the workforce, or entering it for the first time, extensive in-class workshops, application-based learning, and networking opportunities, we will assist you in taking the next steps in your employment journey!
Y Works (Windsor and London)
Y Works is an employment program that assists youth and young adults ages 15-30 to overcome barriers of employment. Our program delivers a range of activities that help youth overcome barriers to employment and develop a broad range of skills and knowledge in order to participate in the current and future labour market.
Y Opportunities
Y Opportunities is an employment program that assists people with diagnosed or self-identified disabilities overcome their barriers to employment. Our supports are designed to help participants refine and discover new skills towards labour market integration or further education.
Employment Connections for Newcomer Youth - Gain the skills, knowledge, and confidence you need to succeed in the Canadian labour market through our new employment program for newcomer youth in Sarnia-Lambton!