YMCA Peace Week logo


YMCA Peace Week calls for people to Build Community, Act for Peace.

When we act for peace, together we build stronger and healthier communities.

We cannot expect to live in a world of peace if we are unable to live in peace with those close to us – even those who differ from us....
- YMCA Statement on Peace

The YMCA believes peace is more than the absence of violence and conflict. Peace is the ongoing work of building and rebuilding conditions of fairness, inclusion, empathy, security, and respect for diversity. When Canadians embody the values of PEACE through our daily actions, we can build a better Canada.

The YMCA of Southwestern Ontario is proud to join YMCAs across Canada to celebrate acts of peace by awarding the Peace Medal. This prestigious honour recognizes individuals, groups, and youth who have demonstrated a commitment to building peace within their community or communities elsewhere in the world. This year's theme is "Act for Peace."

Nominations open now*

We are now accepting nominations for three categories: 
1) a young leader (age 24 and under)
2) a community advocate
3) a business/organization/club that has made a difference

Qualities of potential nominees (peacemakers):

  • Find peaceful solutions to violence, conflict, discrimination, and injustice
  • Make a significant contribution to fostering a culture of peace in their community
  • Volunteer their time and work without any special resources
  • Enhance the lives of people in their community and around the world by creating peaceful environments

*Please note: nominations will be accepted only from YMCA staff or volunteers.

    Deadline for Submissions: Tuesday, October 15, 2019

    Those selected will be honoured at special events during Peace Week at the YMCA of Southwestern Ontario in one of three locations:

    London: Tuesday, November 19, 2019 at 8am
    Windsor: Wednesday, November 20, 2019 at 8am
    Sarnia: Wednesday, November 20, 2019 at 2pm

    Nominate someone today!