Our family is immensely thankful for the generous donations that help make day camp and exercise feasible for our family. My kids love camp and I appreciate being able to work whilst knowing my kids are receiving great care. Without a subsidy, I likely wouldn’t have been able to work outside of the home when my kids are on school break. Without the YMCA, our kids would have had less fun and been less active.
When I collect the kids at the end of the day, they have smiles on their faces and want to tell me about their friends and activities. They look forward to returning. Our kids come home tired, in a good mood, and ready to eat dinner!
My daughter passed her swim test yesterday and it was so encouraging to see her conquer her fears. Regardless of whether she passed or failed, we were immensely proud she tried. This experience has bolstered her confidence and she learned she can do hard things. There is value in trying, in failing, in perseverance, and in conquering goals – what a wonderful place to learn these lessons!
My daughter keeps recounting how her friends and the staff were there with her and cheering her on when she felt like it was getting too hard and she wanted to quit. I think she will remember this moment for a long time.
The YMCA has a positive impact on many dimensions of life. It's individuals and families like ours that put the ‘Y’ in why it’s important to support your local YMCA. It’s places like the YMCA and people like you who help make our community stronger and better. Never underestimate the value you add.
We hope to see you at your local YMCA so that you too can experience wonderful camaraderie, fun, and health.
– Natalie, Family YMCA of St. Thomas-Elgin