Two young staff members attend the YMCA's Annual Community Gathering.

TUESDAY, JUNE 18, 2019

Celebrating Our First Unified Annual Community Gathering

On June 13, we celebrated our first Annual Community Gathering as a unified association - YMCA of Southwestern Ontario. We heard from our CEO, Andrew Lockie, as well as our Board Chair, Paul Way. We celebrated with the staff and volunteers who received recognition awards, and we honoured the London YMCA Foundation for all their hard work over these past many years. We also enjoyed connecting with each other and community members over some delicious refreshments. Please enjoy these photos from the night!

Amy Wadsworth, GM of the Chatham-Kent YMCA attends the Annual Community Gathering.
Anne Baxter and Shannon English.
A group of staff members socialize at the event.
The YMCA Foundation board members.
Award presentation at the 2019 Annual Community Gathering
Staff members socialize at the event.
A Y staff member and award recipient pose together.
CEO Andrew Lockie